
Cover of PolyamoryEvery year, thousands of people decide to make the leap into polyamory.

Most of them don’t have any idea what they’re getting into.

Tony Ravenscroft leaves behind the speculation, the guesswork, and the Utopianism that only confuses the discussion. This book begins from the absolute basics of intimate relationships and clearly lays out the pitfalls and problems that await everyone who embarks upon this difficult & highly rewarding way of life.

Polyamory (the book) is for everyone with any interest in the subject. Whether you’re merely curious, or already embroiled in a complex responsibly nonmonogamous life, you will find a greater understanding of what is going on. Even if you are happily married for the rest of your life, you will improve your relationships with the other people in your life.

The author speaks from 20 years of experience & observation, replete with more mistakes than you ever want to make. He shares these tales with the wit & candor of a skilled storyteller. You will ponder, argue, laugh, and thank your lucky stars that you’ve been warned.

Book Information
ISBN paperback 6×9: 9781890109530
SRP: $21.95
289 pages
Available through Amazon.com

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