Extinction: Dragons of Earth

Cover for Extinction
Dinosaur and man battle to save their planet!
Half a century ago, human civilization on Earth came to an end.
Sure, the dinosaurs were brought into the modern era. That was maybe bad enough, but it was something that could be controlled. It became a problem when a green-skinned little megalomaniac, a side-project of the genetics experiments, decided that the behemoths would be an ideal means to stamp out the human race – literally. Some chemical tweaking, released into the planet’s atmosphere, turned the already-dangerous dinosaurs into maddened, over-muscled machines of destruction.
The Dino Wars rampaged around the globe. Eventually, the chemical enhancements were overcome, and the remaining rogues burned out. An uneasy peace returned to the largely depopuated planet, and the surviving humans learned to live as part of the new ecosystem.
Things are starting to go really well. Then the aliens remember that there’s this backwater planet they once visited, where there are plenty of resources available for the taking.
The Earth must be saved. All that has to happen is that a few scattered pockets of humans must figure out how to work together. And they need to fight side-by-side with their former enemies, the dinosaurs.

John Lee Schneider was born and raised in the wilds of Hillsboro, Oregon, graduating from the University of Oregon in 1992 with a degree in Sociology and English and no practical skills whatsoever. Nevertheless, he managed to scrape a living working in the retail service industry, building stores and traveling throughout the country. He now supervises a small business out of Portland. Writing and Science Fiction have been a constant hobby since his early years; he is also an amateur dinosaur-enthusiast in his spare time, and can discuss T. rex and other dinosaurs bone-for-bone with most professional paleontologists.
Surprisingly enough, he is still single, and maintains a residence in a nice quite hobbit-hole outside of Portland, Oregon, respectably far away from such things as dragons and adventures.

Book Information
ISBN paperback 5-1/2×8-1/2: 9781890109790
SRP $12.95
171 pages
Available through Amazon.com

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